Ryan Whitty
Forge Alumni
"When I started Forge at first I didn't want to do it. It was just the only way I could stay at Camp longer. However, I really changed my first year. I learned how to meet people where they’re at rather than being frustrated for people not being where I thought they needed to be. I missed a lot of opportunities and was really judgmental but, as I changed, I had stronger relationships with people in Forge that, at first, I did not get along with. I realized that everyone has a different relationship with God and a different spot that they’re at in life.
I grew up a lot and a lot of things were put into perspective. One example I can think of is that I always viewed being around family as a lack of independence. Forge taught me that family is necessary and adds to independence rather than takes it away. This was made clear when I went to Australia expecting to come back with a new appreciation of the country but, instead, I came back with a new appreciation of where I had come from.
There were a lot of growing pains and obstacles to overcome but being at Camp and the way Camp’s community is set up allowed me to rely on people. There was always somebody to talk to. I had really good mentors chosen for me during Forge. I remember one time I had just finished having a big blow up with my family and my mentor took me out for coffee and told me exactly what I needed to hear. He pointed out things that I had been idolizing in my life and where I was going wrong that no one else was telling me. It really helped with a lot of relationships in my life.
My second year is when Brynn took over the supervision of the Forge program. First year was a lot of growth and the second year was a lot of maturing and I was molded into the person God wanted me to be. I was heated up in the fire and molded during my first year. My second year I was polished and shaped into a tool to be used in Gods kingdom. "
Brynn Leihkauf
Forge Director
"Being the Forge Director, I have been given the unique pleasure of walking with young leaders as they respond to the call from God to live and lead better. The growth that we have seen happen in one or two years at Camp is amazing. When young people are encouraged and empowered to use the strengths that God has given them and are mentored and coached in character and discipline, they have all they need to reach the goals they set for themselves. I am excited about the future of Forge and can’t wait to meet the next class of young people ready to push themselves to be better leaders and followers of Jesus."
Matthew McGraw
Forge Intern
“The Forge program has stretched me in my leadership capabilities and has allowed me to grow in my understanding of Camp ministry. I came into the Forge with a love for the outdoors driving me forward. I will leave the Forge with an even greater love for the outdoors and a deep joy with the people who labour behind the scenes to make Camp possible!”